Helping homeowners and green spaces transition their lawns into an ecologically diverse and wildlife supportive environment with native plants.
Do you want to re-connect with the natural world? Are you interested in attracting birds and butterflies with native plants and natural habitat strategies to your yard?
Green Gardens Education and Designs helps forward thinking, health conscious people who are interested in how to best utilize their land. We give them the confidence and direction to develop their property into a beautiful, low maintenance yard that can provide nutrient dense food, wildlife habitat and a deep connection to nature.

Hello, I’m Trecia
I have over 30 years of experience in creating wildlife habitat and designing gardens for pollinators, birds and wildlife. I can help you refine an existing garden or begin a new one for your residential or commercial property.
Green Gardens Education and Designs will use surveys, interviews and observation to provide a garden that best suits your needs. Advice is available on how to plant a garden, as well as help sourcing plants if requested.

Trecia tagged and released monarch butterflies with President and First Lady Carter. One of the First Lady’s monarchs was recovered in Mexico, being one of 6 monarchs ever recovered from Georgia. Trecia also designed a garden for the visitor’s center in Plains, GA for Ms. Rosalyn Carter which is registered on the Rosalyn Carter Butterfly Trail.
Build Facilities Management Awards
Best Native Plant & Garden Design Services Provider 2023 - Georgia
Hosted by BUILD, the Facilities Management Awards 2023 is dedicated to honouring the achievements of businesses and individuals operating within the facilities management (FM) industry from across the globe, who have demonstrated exceptional performance and innovation in the field.
Book a Consultation
We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.